Job Seekers of Montclair Next Meeting
On Wednesday, Oct. 23, 7:15 - 8:45pm, Job Seekers presents Lynne Williams, Research for Targeting your Job Search. Lynne is the Executive Director of the Philadelphia Area Great Careers Group, which provides online career development. All are invited. No charge.

Topics to be covered: We meet every Wednesday at the Assembly Hall of St. Luke's Church on 73 S. Fullerton Ave., Montclair.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 869 6416 8449
Passcode: 005505

One tap mobile +13052241968,,86964168449#,,,,*005505
For phone only dial 929 436 2866 and enter ID + passcode.
Also, if you would like to give back to the community and add experience to your resume, volunteer for Job Seekers of Montclair. Reply to for details.

You can always find out information about meetings from our website, .
