Job Seekers of Montclair Next Meeting
Wednesday, July 24, join Dr. Mark Arnowitz, adjunct professor at Caldwell University, who will lead a workshop on Research for Targeting your Job Search. All are invited. No charge.
Topics to be covered We meet every Wednesday at the Assembly Hall of St. Luke's Church on 73 S. Fullerton Ave., Montclair. The time is 7:30 PM and light refreshments will be served. Check our website,, for directions and additional information. It is AIR CONDITIONED.
NOTE: There are 8 steps up to the door. If this would be a problem for you, or you live far away,
Join the meeting via Zoom Meeting ID: 869 6416 8449
Passcode: 005505
One tap mobile +13052241968,,86964168449#,,,,*005505
For phone only dial 929 436 2866 and enter ID + passcode.
